Reinsurance ToolsReinsurance Tools\XL Claim Loss Advise



In the XL Claim Loss Advise page, you can view all claims that are approaching the loss advice limit. The loss advice limit for claims was set in the Non Proportional Treaty page of the Non Proportional Treaty sub-module. You can search for claims by filling in the Claim Loss Advice Search criteria or you can click. This information can be used to alert the relevant reinsurers that these claims are soon approaching the loss advice limit so that they will be aware of the situation. 


§  Select the claim(s) from claims list that reaches the loss advice limit and click  then the system will send a notification email to the reinsurers to notify them about this claim.

§  Upon select the advised claim from advised Claim list the system will display the entry block and you can enter only any remarks is so desired.

§  Click  to print notification report.



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