Reinsurance ToolsReinsurance Tools\Cash Call



In the Cash Call page, you can view all claims that are approaching the cash call limit or any claims reinsured as facultative. The cash call limit for claims was set in the Non Proportional Treaty page of the Non Proportional Treaty sub-module. You can search for claims by filling in the Cash call Search criteria or you can click. This information can be used to alert the relevant reinsurers that these claims are soon approaching the cash call limit so that they will be aware of the situation, each report claim must be posted to Financial.

Select the reinsurer(s) from Advise Claims to post and click;


 Upon click this button new grid will be displayed:




Where you can view the voucher initially and edit the notes if so desired; click  to post the voucher to financial system, and  if you need to review the reinsurance and try to create voucher again.


§  Click  to view the voucher of the selected production reinsurance record(s) if the selected records were already posted.


If you want to un-post a voucher, make sure to select a posted voucher and then click  then. Accordingly, the system will reverse its effect on the financial system.


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