Reinsurance ToolsReinsurance Tools\Profit commission



In the Profit Commission page, you can calculate the commission for certain layer;

Select insurance class, treaty name and layer if so desired, and then set the date;

Upon click   , the system will calculate the commission% based on the profit commission% defined for each layer; by selecting sliding scale record, reinsurer shares will be listed in commission distribution block.


Each must be posted to financial:

§  Select the reinsurer(s) from commission distribution to post and click ; Upon click, this button new grid will be displayed:



Where you can view the voucher initially and edit the notes if so desired; click  to post the voucher to financial system, and  if you need to review the reinsurance and try to create voucher again.


§  Click  to view the voucher of the selected production reinsurance record(s) if the selected records were already posted.


If you want to un-post a voucher, make sure to select a posted voucher and then click  then. Accordingly, the system will reverse its effect on the financial system.



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