Through the Interests page you can create an interest or inquire about a certain interest, which is a
tentative insurance policy.
To view certain pre-defined interest, fill in the selecting criteria
fields with the proper details to filter down the retrieved quotation records.
If you wish to edit any, click on the quotation needed and you can proceed with
making the changes you want.
Through the Interests page, you can perform different operations
regarding the interests including copying, making a new version, and converting
the quotation into a policy.
Through the Interests page, you can add
the interests insured within the policy.
Depending on the Line of Business of the policy, different information
would be required through this page. Accordingly, fields would change depending
on the Line of Business (Motor, Property, General
Accidents, Engineering, Marine Hull, Marine
Cargo or Products).
Through the Interests page, you are able
to view all interests within the same policy either in a Table View
where you can view results in a normal table or in a Tree View where you
can view interests in a hierarchal mode.
Moreover, using the Interests page you
can import interests from an Excel sheet by clicking. Accordingly, the system will redirect you to the Import
Interests page located in the Underwriting sub-module, where you can import information from an
Excel sheet based on specific and ESKADENIA standard format.
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