Non-Proportional TreatyNon-Proportional Treaty\Non-Proportional TreatyNon-Proportional Treaty\XL Treaty Layers ListXL Treaty Layers List\XL Treaty Reinsurers List
XL Treaty Reinsurers List


In the XL Treaty Reinsures page, you can link the treaties that have been created in the XL Treaty page and its layers to reinsurers. Each treaty and layer can have more than one reinsurer. Before navigating to this page, you should have selected a treaty from the XL Treaties page. Accordingly, it will be displayed in the XL Treaty Reinsures page along with the layer details.


To add a reinsurer to a treaty layer, begin by clicking on the layer in the XL Treaty Reinsurer Share List block and click, Then, in the XL Reinsurer Share Entry block, perform the following steps:



§  Note that the Treaty Name will be displayed automatically in this field;

§  Select the Reinsurer/ Broker name from the suggestion textbox. Accordingly, the selected broker/reinsurer’s account number will be automatically retrieved and displayed in the Reinsurer Account field;

§  Enter in the Share Percentage for this reinsurer. Note that the share percentage for all insurers within the same XL Reinsurance treaty needs to add up to 100%;

§  Enter the Commission Percentage for this insurer;

§  Enter the Tax Percentage for this insurer;    

§  Check-in the Is Broker if the selected reinsurer was a broker. Accordingly, you will need to specify the brokers needed;

§  Once you have finished entering all necessary data, click.  


To copy the reinsurance treaty, simply click. Accordingly, the selected reinsurer’s details will be copied into a new one but with a different number.


To specify the share for each broker reinsurer for the selected treaty layer, you need to clickBrokerRensurer.


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