


Through the Interests page, you can enter the interests insured within the quotations that were previously created through the Quotations page.


Depending on the Insurance Class’s Line of Business of the policy, different information will be required throughout this page. Accordingly, fields will change depending on the Line of Business (General Accident, Engineering, Marine Cargo, Marine Hull, Motor, Product or Property);


Using this page you can view all interests within the same quotation either in a Table View where you can view results in a normal table or in a Tree View where you can view interests in a hierarchal mode.


Moreover, using the Interests page you can import interests from an Excel sheet by clicking. Accordingly, the system will redirect you to the Import Interests page located in the Underwriting sub-module, where you can import interests from an Excel sheet based on specific and ESKADENIA standard format, for specific types of insurance classes as this functionality not supported for all Line of Businesses.



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