DistributionDistribution\Reinsurance DistributionReinsurance Distribution\FAC Installments List
FAC Installments List



§  if the selected reinsurer was broker, then the system will display new tab;Fac Broker Reinsurers shares Entry , where you can enter the reinsurer shares;

§  If you select treaty as Cession Type; Layer Type, EML/PML fields will be displayed. Upon select layer type the placement%, Ceded% will be automatically filled and you can change them if so desired;

§  You can edit the distribution of amounts in case you need to make any changes by check Manual Distribution check box.

§  Once you have finished entering in the necessary data, click.  


In the Treaty Cover Premium Shares List block, you can view the distribution of amounts on the cover level. Also, you can add, edit, or just view reinsurance fees for the selected Production Reinsurance Distribution record.


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