ClaimsClaims\Claim Surveyors

Claim Surveyors


Through the Claim Surveyors page you can define the surveyors that ascertain the extent of loss and damages. For each defined surveyor, you can specify the required documents form his/her side upon assessing the losses.



To add claim surveyors, click  and then go through the following:


  • Claim No. will be automatically retrieved based on the claim Entry defined claim;
  • Enter the Notification and Survey Dates of the survey. Note that these dates should be greater than or equal to the claim’s effective dates;
  • Select the Surveyor Type (Internal or external ;
  • Enter the Surveyor Name (if it doesn’t have an account ) , if it is an existing defined surveyor check in the checkbox near customer and choose the surveyor name from the predefined list;
  • Enter the Survey Location;
  • Enter Any additional Remarks;
  • Select the Fees Side from the predefined list;
  • Enter any related Attachment by clicking on and choosing the attachment ;
  • Enter the Survey Due Date; (this field can be optional or mandatory based on a preference);
  • Select the Workshop from the predefined list (this field can be optional or mandatory based on a preference);
  • Click  to save your work.

-       Upon save, the  button will appear, click this button to register this surveyor as a claimant. Note that once a surveyor is registered you will not be able to make any adjustments;

-       Next, you need to define the surveyor’s required documents.


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