In the charges tab you can define charges, to do so you need to perform the following steps:
To define the policy business of a commission type, begin by selecting the commission type from the Commission Type block. Accordingly, perform the following steps in the Policy Business Commission Entry block:
§ The Code of the policy business charge will be auto-generated once the entry has been saved;
§ Select the Apply Charges on of the policy business commission. These business types were predefined in the system;
§ Select the Charge Category from the predefined suggestion box;
§ Enter the Name of the charge;
§ In Name2, enter the name of the charge in the second language of the system;
§ Once you have finished entering the necessary data, click.
You can filter down policy business commissions using the search criteria located right above the Policy Business Commissions block.
Policy Business
Charges Entry
To add a policy
business charge, you need to click on in the Policy Business Charges block,
and then perform the following steps:
§ The Code is auto-generated by the system once you save the policy;
§ Select the Business Type for this policy from the predefined list;
§ Select the Insurance Class
and Policy Type relating to the policy business commission. These policy
types were defined in the Policy Types block of the
Insurance Class page;
§ Enter the Charge Percentage;
§ Enter the Charge Amount;
§ Select the Customer Name. Note that customer names will be filtered based on the insured customer names entered during the entry of the policy;
§ Select the Account from the predefined list;
§ Check the Is Auto Add checkbox to automatically add the charge;
Click on ;
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