Non-Proportional TreatyNon-Proportional Treaty\Non-Proportional TreatyNon-Proportional Treaty\XL Treaty Business List



In the XL Treaty Business List block, you can specify the business types that are covered in this treaty. To do so, click  in the XL Treaty Business List block and in the XL Treaty Business Entry block, perform the following steps:


§  Note that the Treaty Number will automatically be displayed;

§  Select the Insurance Class and Policy Type;

§  Select the Business Type;

§  If you want to Add All Subsidiary Policy Types, click on the available checkbox. Accordingly, the Policy Type and Business Type field will be disabled along with the Add All Business Types checkbox;

§  If you want to Add All Business Types, click on the available checkbox. Accordingly, the Business Type field will be disabled; 

§  Once you have finished entering in all necessary data, click. You can now define the XL Treaty Layers.


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