Claims SetupClaims Setup\Vehicle\ Workshop Classification


Through this page, you can define the vehicle and the workshop classifications available at your insurance company, and later you can bind between them so you can use these combinations you when you add claims in the Claims page;


In the Vehicle Classification tab, you can manage the vehicle classifications; you can define the classifications available at your insurance company;



To do so, you need to click on  and then perform the following steps:


§  Select the Vehicle Make from the predefined dropdown list;

§  Select the Vehicle Type from the predefined dropdown list;

§  Enter the Age From/ Age To;

§  Select the Classification from the predefined dropdown list;

§  Click on


In the Workshop Classification tab, you can bind between the predefined workshops and the predefined classifications;



To do so you need to perform the following steps:


§  Check-in the checkbox corresponding to Workshop;

§  Check-in the radio button of the Classification;

§  Click on  to move the selection into the Workshop Classification List;

§  To delete a certain workshop classification list, Check-in the checkbox corresponding to the workshop classification and click on ;



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