A vehicle card includes the necessary details of a certain vehicle. Through the Vehicle Cards page, you can add the necessary vehicle information for each car make and model. You can associate certain motor vehicles to interest types. Adding vehicle cards will save time when entering ‘Motor’ policies.
To add a new vehicle card, click and then perform the following steps:
§ Select the Vehicle Make
and the Vehicle Type from the predefined dropdown list in the Codes page;
§ Select the Interest Type
you want to associate with this vehicle;
§ Select the Repair condition
of the vehicle (whether it is Good or workshop );
§ Specify the No. of Seats
of the vehicle;
§ Enter the maximum number of Passengers
that your insurance company will cover;
§ Select the Vehicle Body
from a list that was previously defined in the Codes page;
§ Enter Depreciation % of
the vehicle during the year;
§ Accordingly, Loading%, Min.
Deductible Amount, Max. Deductible Amount
and Deductible Percentage will be automatically retrieved by the
§ Select the Country of Origin
from the predefined dropdown list;
§ Once you have finished entering
the necessary data, click.
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