In the Premium
Calculation Bases sub-module, you can calculate the premiums that will be
used throughout ESKA® Insures – General Insurance. You can
define the setup of the premium calculation bases By binding each insurance
class policy types with the endorsement types to be calculated on a specific
calculation base (whether it is prorated, short period, full premium,
non-refundable ... etc.), or by directly selecting premium calculation bases in
the add block.
Each insurance class should be linked to its calculation base based on
the business.
If ‘Prorate’ is selected then the system will calculate the
payment amount on number of days basis from the document period;
If ‘Short-Period’ is selected then the system will calculate the
payment amount according to the short-period table that was defined through the
Short-Period Premium page located in the Covers Premium sub-module;
If ‘Full Premium’ is selected then the system will calculate the
document premium amount as full amount regardless of the period of the
Ø To bind between policy types and endorsement types, you need to perform the below steps:
§ Select one of the policy types from the class policy types block;
§ Select one of the endorsement types from the endorsement type block;
§ Choose the Calculation Base from the predefined list ;
§ Click on; accordingly,
the new premium calculation bases will be displayed in the result block.
Ø To use another way of
linking premium calculation base
with the document type for specific insurance class, you need to click on in the Premium Calculation Bases block
and perform the below steps :
§ Select the Class, Policy Type, Endorsement Type from the predefined list;
§ Select the Calculation Base needed (Prorata, Short period, Non-refundable, Full Premium ... etc.)
Click on; accordingly,
the entry results will be displayed.
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