Global Landing


Through the Global Landing page, you can see all the systems related to ESKA® Insures Systems,  such as the Medical Insurance system and the General Insurance system.



Using the Global Landing page, you can search for any page related to the Insurance systems by either writing the page name in the search field or by choosing it from the left side of the page.


You can also perform and manage the following:



Ø  View and update the user Profile Information:


Click; accordingly, the User Profile pop-up appears where you can perform the following steps:


user profile


§  The Username is auto retrieved by the system according to the logged-in user;

§  The Name of the user is auto-retrieved by the system; however, you can change it if needed;

§  Name2, the second name of the user is auto-retrieved by the system; however, you can change it if needed;

§  The user Short Name is auto-retrieved by the system; however, you can change it if needed;

§  The Password Expiry Date is auto-retrieved by the system;

§  The Default Company and Branch are auto-retrieved by the system; however, you can change them if needed;

§   The User Interface Theme is auto-retrieved by the system; however, you can change it if needed;

§  The user Email Address is auto-retrieved by the system; however, you can change it if needed;

§  To upload any necessary file, click  and locate the file path on your PC;

§  Select the Default Page from the list of authorised pages;

§  Enter any necessary Description;

§  Click to save your changes ;

§  Click  to close the pop-up.

§  To save your changes click

§  To close the pop-up, click SNAGHTML4dd3c644 


Ø  Change the Branch


Click ; accordingly, the Changed Logged in Branch pop-up appears where you need to perform the following steps:



§  Select the Company and the Branch from the predefined dropdown lists and then click on;

§  To close the pop-up, click SNAGHTML4dd3c644 



Ø  Change Password


Click; accordingly, the User Change Password pop-up appears where you need to perform the following steps:



§  Enter the Old Password;

§  Enter the New Password;

§  Enter the New Password again to Confirm it;

§  To save your changed click

§  To close the pop-up, click SNAGHTML4dd3c644 


Ø  Change Language


Click; accordingly, the system will be in displayed in the second language of the system.



You can navigate through the system modules: Insurance Setup, General Settings, Production, Claims Non-Motor, Claims Motor, Reinsurance and the Queries, and their pages, or use the search bar to type the module/page name.


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