The Financial Integration page allows the integration
between both ESKA® Insures and
ESKA® Business Manager
Using the Financial Integration page you are able to
generate vouchers for certain reserves, payments and claim recoveries and post
these vouchers to the financial system.
To generate vouchers and post them to the financial system
of ESKA® Business Manager,
you need to go through the following:
- Search for the required
reserved, payment or claim recovery transactions by filling in the Claim
Transaction Search criteria;
- Click to view results in the Reserve/Payments/ Recovery block;
- Select the claim needed
from the Reserve/Payment/ Recovery block by
checking-in the checkbox next to the claim number. Note that you may
select more than one claim;
- Click to view the voucher for the selected
transaction. Accordingly, the system will display the voucher in the Transactions
List block. Click on a certain voucher to view its details in the Voucher
Entries List block;
- Click to post the selected transaction
to the financial system of ESKA® Business Manager.
If you want to un-post a certain financial transaction,
Accordingly, the system will reverse the selected reserve, payment or
recovery’s effect on financial system.
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