ClaimsClaims\Claims Financial Integration



In the Financial Integration page, you can perform financial integration for claim reinsurance. Using the search criteria in the Claims Reinsurance FIN Search block, you can fill out the available fields to narrow down your search for the reinsurance record for which financial integration is needed. Note that you need to select the Claims Transaction Type. Once you have performed this search, the records matching your criteria will be displayed in the Payment/Recovery Claims Reinsurance List block. In the Post Status field, you can see which of these records have already been posted; which means that financial integration has already been performed.  


§  Check-in the checkbox (es) of the record(s) that you will perform financial integration for.

§  Click  to create voucher(s) for the selected record(s) ;upon click this button new grid will be displayed :



Where you can view the voucher initially and edit the notes if so desired; click  to post the voucher to financial system, and  if you need to review the reinsurance and try to create voucher again.



§  Click  to view the voucher of the selected production reinsurance record(s) if the selected records were already posted.


If you want to un-post a voucher, make sure to select a posted voucher and then click  then. Accordingly, the system will reverse its effect on the financial system.


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