Some buttons are standard throughout the system. In the following, you can see these buttons and learn how to use them.
§ Search is used to inquire about a certain record. Clicking this button retrieves the data you have requested.
§ Save is used to save the data you entered for a certain record or a certain field.
§ Exit is used to leave a particular form
and return to the home page of the system or to the main page of the module you
are currently on.
§ You can click Reset if you do not want to save the data that you recorded anymore. Once you click this button, none of your work will be saved.
§ The Add Records button allows you to add a new record through the form you are using.
§ The Delete Records button allows you to delete a record from the main form you are using.
§ The Export Result to Excel button allows you to export the records to an excel sheet.
§ The Print button allows you to print out selected records.